Posts relevant to people Age 50 to 70

Update to Our Longevity Insurance Plan

In the early spring of 2019, I wrote two blog posts on addressing the biggest risk every person faces in retirement, longevity risk, and how to fit an income annuity into your retirement income plan to help address this risk. You can read these two posts here and here. However, due to several major life […]

A Winter in Southern Europe

It has been awhile since I last posted on this blog, so a quick update here on what we have been doing the past few months. In my last post I discussed how Hurricane Dorian that passed through the Abaco region of the Bahamas on 1-2 September 2019 and destroyed everything in its path. Our […]

Closing the Retail Investor Performance Gap

It is pretty well documented that the average retail stock market investor does not obtain the same long-term results as the broad market indexes. Here is a link to just one article titled, “Why Average Investors Earn Below Average Market Returns,” that discusses why retail stock investors do not replicate long term market returns. The […]

Fitting an Income Annuity into your Retirement Plan

In my last post I discussed my thinking about why I decided to purchase an annuity from an insurance company. This post will discuss how I arrived at the type of income annuity and how much to purchase.

Retirement Planning: Managing the Biggest Risk

If you are near or in retirement, there are several risks that can derail your retirement plans. These risks all need to be addressed in some way and some are easier to manage than others.

Affording An Early Retirement

After the recent publishing of my ebook, Charting An Early Retirement, I have received a few inquiries from readers spanning several aspects of our retired life. The questions all had a similar theme; the readers want to know some of the nuts and bolts of how we actually afford our retirement. I thought in this […]

Some Adjustments to my Portfolio

  I am in the process of making some adjustments to my portfolio, so I thought I would post a quick note about it.

The Windy Abacos

I wanted to post a quick update. It has been one of the windiest winters here in the Abacos in many years. The temperature has also been lower than average. Winds have been 20 to 30 knots on many days. Daytime highs have often been about 70 degrees and night time lows have been as […]

Updated Asset Allocation

Recently I got a question from a reader who was nearing retirement about fixed income ladders. Our back and forth correspondence inevitably got into asset allocation. Since I had recently fine-tuned our own asset allocation, I thought I might present here how our financial assets are currently positioned.

Retirement Planning For Life

In today’s economic environment retirement planning is more important than ever. We are experiencing reduced equity returns, employer provided pensions are becoming extinct, our nation’s monetary policy erodes the value of our currency daily, and our government retirement programs are financially unsustainable, That does not mean that retirement is no longer possible, but it does […]