Posts relevant to people Age 50 to 70

Why Did We Sell Our Home?

In my last post I mentioned that my wife and I recently sold our primary residence. This action would appear to be in direct conflict to the statement I made in my last post concerning real estate. I stated that real estate is at the best value it has been in over a decade and […]

My First Real Estate Investment in 13 Years

In a recent post I described in detail a real estate investment of a single family home I have owned for 20 years. In my opinion it has been a pretty good investment for us. In this post I will describe my first real estate purchase in 13 years.

The impact of Stock Dividends on Total Return

In many posts I have stressed the importance of the income an investment provides as much as any capital appreciation you may hope to gain from the investment. In my last post I described a real estate investment I have held for the past 20 years and the income it provides. The importance of income […]

A Real Estate Investment After 20 Years; Was it Worth It?

Next month marks the 20 year anniversary of the purchase of my first long-term real estate investment. In this post I thought it might be instructive to describe the actual transaction I made 20 years ago, the major events during the life of this investment, and the financial benefits my wife and I enjoy today. […]

Is Your Bank and Your Insurance Company Financially Healthy?

If you remember back a few years ago, the three large credit rating agencies, S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch, completely missed the 2008-2009 financial crisis. They each gave several companies investment-grade credit ratings just a few months before they went bankrupt. The most famous “rating miss” was a “AAA rating” that one of the agencies’ still […]

Fixed Income Ladder Revisited

I wrote in an earlier post that people who are at the door step of retirement should fund the early years by setting up a fixed income ladder. Click here to read my previous post on this subject. In this earlier post I talked about how I use bank Certificate of Deposits (CDs) as the […]

When will the Secular Bear Market End?

The US stock market has been in a secular bear market since 2000. It will be difficult to make any money in stocks until this long term bear market ends. So, the question is when will the secular bear market we are currently experiencing end?

What assets should be placed in which retirement accounts

In my previous post I discussed about how I would prioritize my retirement savings.  I suggested it would be prudent to invest in retirement accounts over time, with the goal of creating tax diversity. That is, by having funds in tax deferred, tax free, and taxable accounts.  In this post I’ll discuss what type of […]

Replenishing the First Bucket

In a recent post I discussed the importance of setting up a fixed income ladder as your first bucket of the Buckets Strategy.  As a follow up to that concept, I would like to introduce another skill that a retiree managing his own portfolio for income should know. That is when you should sell your […]

Should You Use a Financial Advisor

I am often asked if I use a financial advisor. Financial advisors can be very helpful. In this post I will give my thoughts on whether you should use a financial advisor.