Hopetown Floating Trailer Park Re-Union

For the long-term residents of the Hopetown Inn and Marina this past winter, we referred to the 200 dock where we were moored, affectionately, as the Floating Trailer Park. It was a group of about a half dozen boats that stayed at the Marina all winter and became close friends. We even had T-shirts made.

Before we all left Hopetown in May, we decided to have a re-union at Annapolis, MD over the 4th of July holiday. Vessels attending the re-union were:




Waylaid South.

There were others who were part of the floating trailer park but for one reason or another could not attend the re-union. We had a re-union party on 3 July and watched the fireworks in downtown Annapolis on the 4th.

Below are some pictures of our gathering.

The Floating Trailer Park getting together at Nancy and Goldwyn's place in Annapolis

The Floating Trailer Park getting together at  Motuiti’s place in Annapolis

   The group in downtown Annapolis

The group in downtown Annapolis

  Dena taking in the fireworks

Dena taking in the fireworks

The Bahamas; there is nothing like it

The Bahamas; there is nothing like it

All will be back to the Abacos this fall for another big season of swimming, snorkeling, diving, and boating (and partying).


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