Retirement Planning: Managing the Biggest Risk

If you are near or in retirement, there are several risks that can derail your retirement plans. These risks all need to be addressed in some way and some are easier to manage than others.

Back from Europe

We just returned to the US from a 7 week trip to Spain and Portugal. It was a very good trip. We flew into Porto, Portugal where we spent two weeks, after which we took a train down and spent a week in Sintra, Portugal. Lastly, we flew from Lisbon to Bilbao, Spain where we […]

Affording An Early Retirement

After the recent publishing of my ebook, Charting An Early Retirement, I have received a few inquiries from readers spanning several aspects of our retired life. The questions all had a similar theme; the readers want to know some of the nuts and bolts of how we actually afford our retirement. I thought in this […]