Fishing in the Abacos

One of the many reasons to come to the Abacos or anywhere in the Bahamas for that matter is the great fishing. The Sea of Abacos is a shallow body of water and is perfect for people who want to just cruise around to all the different Cays to anchor out and visit each island. […]

The Windy Abacos

I wanted to post a quick update. It has been one of the windiest winters here in the Abacos in many years. The temperature has also been lower than average. Winds have been 20 to 30 knots on many days. Daytime highs have often been about 70 degrees and night time lows have been as […]

Island Life; Land versus Water

We have been in our cottage here in the Abacos for about 6 weeks and I thought I would write a short post on the difference of living on land versus living on the water on a boat. Some of the differences are obvious, but I thought I would point out the advantages and disadvantages […]

Island Life….The Way It Used to Be

We have finally arrived back in the Bahamas. This time we are boat less. We did not get around to purchasing another boat and we wanted to be in the Bahamas for the winter months. Our plan is to start looking for another boat next summer. Until then we are land bound. We will be […]

Back from Italy

We have returned from a 7 week trip to Italy. Actually the trip was 5 weeks in Italy and 2 weeks on a trans-Atlantic cruise ship. I have to admit I was skeptical that I would enjoy that much time in Italy. But after you figure out how the trains, grocery stores, and other local customs […]

Final Cruise of 2014 in the Abacos

Our last three weeks in the Abacos was spent in Green Turtle Cay and visiting the remote areas north of Green Turtle Cay. The area north of Green Turtle Cay has many beautiful uninhabited islands that are just teeming with sea creatures that are harder to come by in the more populated areas of the […]

Perfect Weather in the Abacos

Since my last post we have experienced the longest stretch of good weather we have ever experienced in the winter months. The month of February has been almost all sunshine and warm weather. Unfortunately, I spent the first 10 days in Maryland taking care of some personal business where the temperature was 13 degrees Fahrenheit […]

Hopetown Floating Trailer Park Re-Union

For the long-term residents of the Hopetown Inn and Marina this past winter, we referred to the 200 dock where we were moored, affectionately, as the Floating Trailer Park. It was a group of about a half dozen boats that stayed at the Marina all winter and became close friends. We even had T-shirts made.

What is the Bahamas Like?

Being Christmas time I thought I would log a short post providing a general description of what life is like in the Bahamas.