Another 12-Day Cruise in Paradise

By April the weather in the Abacos generally calms down for extended periods of time. This makes it easier to take longer cruises to the different islands in the area. Dena and I have just returned from a 12-day cruise to the islands in the northern part of the Abacos.

Visiting with Friends at Great Guana Cay

Mid-February arrived and we spent a windy week tucked in Hopetown Marina. I spent a lot of the time working on taxes. Unfortunately, this is something that must be done even in paradise. However this past week we visited with friends who own a house on Great Guana Cay.

Cruising in the Bahamas

One benefit to bringing a boat to the Bahamas is that it allows you to cruise on your own schedule to all the beautiful islands, reefs, and quaint settlements that exist in this picturesque area. With a break in the weather this past week, we got our sailboat “Odyssey” out of the harbor and cruised […]