Paying for Investment Advice

Generally, I believe the average person does not need to pay for any investment advisory services to achieve their retirement goals. The most important steps to reach your retirement goals is to be disciplined in your saving and investing over a long period of time as discussed in the posts in this blog. However, some […]

Post #16 – How the Financial Crisis Moved Our Retirement Date Forward by 2 Years

My last post discussed the importance of periodically “Re-balancing” your portfolio as a practice that everyone should incorporate into the management of their retirement assets. I practiced this method throughout the recent financial crisis and the results worked out so well that we moved our retirement date forward by 2 years. In this post I […]

Post #10 – First Rule of Investment Planning

Based on what I see in the media concerning stocks and other investments, it’s not surprising that some who have an interest in investing for retirement may get so bewildered that they just want to give up. I sympathize with these people. All the media outlets offering confusing and conflicting investment advice can be daunting, […]