Back from Greece and back in Abaco…Again

We are now back at our winter home in Hope Town on our sailboat on Elbow Cay in the Bahamas. Two weeks ago, we were on a cruise ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean where we departed from Rome, Italy. Two weeks before that we were in Greece touring several great spots.

The Crossing

We spent about 8 days at the North Palm Beach Marina in Florida where I completed some engine maintenance tasks – changed both fuel filters, changed oil and filter, and installed a new raw water pump, in preparation for the crossing over the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas.

Heading South

This week we threw off the dock lines from our slip in Annapolis, MD and pointed our sailboat Odyssey south for the winter. In The first leg of our trip we’ll head down the Chesapeake Bay to Norfolk, VA, where the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) begins. Our ultimate destination is The Abacos in the Bahamas.