The Final Voyage of S/V SATISFACTION

In May of 2019 we took a very enjoyable cruise on SATISFACTION our 41-foot Beneteau sailboat. We cruised for three weeks to the Abaco islands northwest of Green Turtle Cay where very few boats go. The weather, water, and snorkeling were perfect for this trip. On 1 June SATISFACTION was hauled out for summer storage […]

Summer 2018 Update

It has been a few months since my last Blog Post, so I will provide a quick update on our recent activities.

Our Daily Life in The Bahamas

It has been awhile since I have added a post to this blog. I have no good excuses except laziness and the fact there are so many activities here in Hope Town on Elbow Cay that I have not had made time to add a post. This post will summarize our activities the last 3 months.

Cruising the Exumas

My wife and I participated in many activities in Hope Town during the Christmas holidays. These activities are what make Hope Town a real community and such a great place to be. We attended the Hope Town School Christmas play and helped build the settlement Christmas village for all the children on Elbow Cay to enjoy. […]

Back From the Bahamas for the Summer

We spent most of April and May cruising around the familiar Abaco cruising spots, Guana Cay, Man-Of-War Cay, Little Harbour, and Treasure Cay. Even though our major boat leak repair is fixed, we still had some problems with some of our electronics when Satisfaction was returned to us in February. I am not sure why […]

Back in Hope Town

It has been awhile since I posted anything, but we have been very busy getting our new boat ready. We took possession of Satisfaction in Miami, FL in early July. A friend and I moved the boat from Miami to Stuart, FL where he made many upgrades to the boat until mid-August. At that time […]

Homeless No More!

When my wife and I sold our home in Annapolis, MD in the spring of 2012 and decided to live on our sailboat, many of our close friends and family hinted we would regret selling our beautiful Annapolis home. And everyone else we knew just thought we were crazy to live on a boat; and […]

Southern Italy

After leaving the Bahamas at the end of March, we spent about 10 days in Florida visiting family, friends and preparing for our second trip to Italy. To get to Italy we decided to take another trans-Atlantic cruise. This 13 day cruise stopped in Funchal, Madeira, Gibraltor, and Alicante, Spain before our final destination at […]

Island Life; Land versus Water

We have been in our cottage here in the Abacos for about 6 weeks and I thought I would write a short post on the difference of living on land versus living on the water on a boat. Some of the differences are obvious, but I thought I would point out the advantages and disadvantages […]

Island Life….The Way It Used to Be

We have finally arrived back in the Bahamas. This time we are boat less. We did not get around to purchasing another boat and we wanted to be in the Bahamas for the winter months. Our plan is to start looking for another boat next summer. Until then we are land bound. We will be […]