Experiencing the Best the Abacos has to Offer with Family and Friends

The last two weeks of March was the best period we have spent in the Abacos this winter. We hung out with family and friends, had a lot of potluck dinners on different boats, anchored out in some of the best spots in the Abacos, and did a lot of sailing.

The Cost of Cruising, Part II

In my last post I talked about what I felt was a realistic capital investment required for purchasing and upgrading a comfortable 40-foot cruising sailboat. Cruising on a smaller, less expensive boat is possible, but for most retired couples in their 60s, I think a 40-foot vessel would meet their needs and not make them […]

The Cost of Cruising

For the last 10 days we have been holed up in Hopetown as several Northerly cold fronts  have been passing through the Abacos one right behind another. These weather patterns always bring high winds with them.

Visiting with Friends at Great Guana Cay

Mid-February arrived and we spent a windy week tucked in Hopetown Marina. I spent a lot of the time working on taxes. Unfortunately, this is something that must be done even in paradise. However this past week we visited with friends who own a house on Great Guana Cay.

Another Week in Paradise

This past week was probably typical for us in the Abaco. We went to several social functions here in Hopetown and spent a few days out on the hook in one of the Abaco’s most beautiful cruising destinations, Little Harbour.

Day To Day Life in the Bahamas

I have gotten a couple questions about what we do every day living in the Bahamas. So I thought I would provide a brief portrayal of what life is like for us in the Bahamas.

Central Florida

The trip through central Florida was pretty uneventful. However, the weather was pretty breezy. Every day the wind speed was about 20 knots and the Intra-Coastal Waterway (ICW) has been pretty choppy. Normally we would not travel in this kind of weather, but the wind direction was from the north. This means, when travelling south, […]

The Second Half of South Carolina

After waiting out Tropical Storm “Sandy” at the Isle of Palms Marina for a week, we again headed south on the Intra-Coastal Waterway (ICW). We stayed a couple days longer at the Isle of Palms Marina as the winds remained elevated (about 25 to 30 knots) even after “Sandy” had passed. We are one of […]