Our Daily Life in The Bahamas

It has been awhile since I have added a post to this blog. I have no good excuses except laziness and the fact there are so many activities here in Hope Town on Elbow Cay that I have not had made time to add a post. This post will summarize our activities the last 3 months.

Return to the Abacos

Earlier this month we arrived back in the Bahamas. We keep our sailboat, Satisfaction, on land at Green Turtle Cay, another cay in the Abacos about 20 miles away from Hope Town. It takes 2 to 3 exhausting days to get our boat set up for living after the summer hurricane season. Fortunately, the Abaco […]

Should You Use a Financial Advisor

I am often asked if I use a financial advisor. Financial advisors can be very helpful. In this post I will give my thoughts on whether you should use a financial advisor.

Markets Got you Spooked?

Not me, I could not care less what the markets do. Why am I not concerned about the equity markets? Because I have already set my equity allocation at a percentage that I am comfortable with. That is, my equity allocation is such that a market down draft would not bother me. In fact, I […]

Post #16 – How the Financial Crisis Moved Our Retirement Date Forward by 2 Years

My last post discussed the importance of periodically “Re-balancing” your portfolio as a practice that everyone should incorporate into the management of their retirement assets. I practiced this method throughout the recent financial crisis and the results worked out so well that we moved our retirement date forward by 2 years. In this post I […]

Post #11 – The Importance of Equity Allocation, Part I

The single most important concept in investment planning is asset allocation. At its most basic level, asset allocation is deciding how to apportion your portfolio between equity assets and fixed income assets. This is a fundamental decision every investor must make. Asset allocation is important because, on a long term basis, it affects both your […]