A Winter in Southern Europe

It has been awhile since I last posted on this blog, so a quick update here on what we have been doing the past few months. In my last post I discussed how Hurricane Dorian that passed through the Abaco region of the Bahamas on 1-2 September 2019 and destroyed everything in its path. Our […]

Fitting an Income Annuity into your Retirement Plan

In my last post I discussed my thinking about why I decided to purchase an annuity from an insurance company. This post will discuss how I arrived at the type of income annuity and how much to purchase.

Springtime in the Bahamas Means more Cruising

Around the beginning of April many cruising boats in the Bahamas for the winter season start heading back home. As a result the number of social activities here in Hope Town starts to decline. My wife and I do not head home in April as we find that the springtime is the best time to […]