Retirement Planning….Market Volatility What to Do?

Late last year the equity markets experienced much volatility causing a lot of angst among investors, especially retirement investors. It is during uneasy times like this that many people start to have feelings of panic and forget the basics of investing. So, I thought I would use this post to remind investors about a couple […]

Back from Greece and back in Abaco…Again

We are now back at our winter home in Hope Town on our sailboat on Elbow Cay in the Bahamas. Two weeks ago, we were on a cruise ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean where we departed from Rome, Italy. Two weeks before that we were in Greece touring several great spots.

Summer 2018 Update

It has been a few months since my last Blog Post, so I will provide a quick update on our recent activities.

Return to the Abacos

Earlier this month we arrived back in the Bahamas. We keep our sailboat, Satisfaction, on land at Green Turtle Cay, another cay in the Abacos about 20 miles away from Hope Town. It takes 2 to 3 exhausting days to get our boat set up for living after the summer hurricane season. Fortunately, the Abaco […]

More Canada

We have just returned from Canada and I thought I would post some pictures. The second half of our Canada trip was visiting the Canadian Maritimes, specifically Prince Edward Island (PEI), Nova Scotia, and Cape Breton.

First Cruise of the Season

For the last month or so we have been making some repairs and smaller upgrades to our Beneteau 41-foot boat, Satisfaction. Finding someone to make repairs here in Hope Town is not difficult because there are many boaters here that can fix almost anything on a boat. This is good for us because we are […]

Back in Hope Town

It has been awhile since I posted anything, but we have been very busy getting our new boat ready. We took possession of Satisfaction in Miami, FL in early July. A friend and I moved the boat from Miami to Stuart, FL where he made many upgrades to the boat until mid-August. At that time […]

Final Cruise of 2014 in the Abacos

Our last three weeks in the Abacos was spent in Green Turtle Cay and visiting the remote areas north of Green Turtle Cay. The area north of Green Turtle Cay has many beautiful uninhabited islands that are just teeming with sea creatures that are harder to come by in the more populated areas of the […]

Spring Time in the Abacos

The month of April started out with more friends visiting us, but finished with Dena and me experiencing some real cruising adventures. Our first cruise in April found us running aground twice in 3 days. This was the first time we had run aground in the Bahamas.