Cruising the Northern Abaco Cays

In early May we departed Hope Town and had a nice 3-hour sail down to Treasure Cay. We spent three days at Treasure Cay as the weather was still not cooperating. It was blowing 15 to 25 Knots out of the Northeast making passage around Whale Cay impossible. The weather has been unusually windy this […]

Springtime in the Bahamas Means more Cruising

Around the beginning of April many cruising boats in the Bahamas for the winter season start heading back home. As a result the number of social activities here in Hope Town starts to decline. My wife and I do not head home in April as we find that the springtime is the best time to […]

Returning to the Bahamas After Hurricane Season

After returning from Canada, we spent about 6 weeks in Maryland visiting with family and friends, buying needed items for our boat, and visiting with our doctors. In mid-October we flew to New Orleans to visit with more family. After spending a nice week in New Orleans, we flew to Fort Lauderdale, FL and made […]

Summer in Canada

After spending the month of June visiting family and friends and seeing all our doctors, we took off to Canada. This past winter season in the Bahamas we met and befriended several cruisers from Canada. They all invited us to visit them this summer. Having never been to eastern Canada, we decided to take a trip […]

Back on the Water

I have not posted to my blog in about 3 months because, frankly, there has not been much to talk about. Our major boat repair was completed in Mid-February, but we have been dealing with other boat issues.

First Cruise of the Season

For the last month or so we have been making some repairs and smaller upgrades to our Beneteau 41-foot boat, Satisfaction. Finding someone to make repairs here in Hope Town is not difficult because there are many boaters here that can fix almost anything on a boat. This is good for us because we are […]

Back in Hope Town

It has been awhile since I posted anything, but we have been very busy getting our new boat ready. We took possession of Satisfaction in Miami, FL in early July. A friend and I moved the boat from Miami to Stuart, FL where he made many upgrades to the boat until mid-August. At that time […]

Hurricane Preparations

I thought I would post a few words about getting our sailing vessel “Odyssey” ready for the tropical storm season. In the Bahamas tropical storms mostly occur in August, September, and October. My wife and I flew down to the Bahamas in late July to spend a few more days in the lovely warm water […]

The Cost of Cruising, Part II

In my last post I talked about what I felt was a realistic capital investment required for purchasing and upgrading a comfortable 40-foot cruising sailboat. Cruising on a smaller, less expensive boat is possible, but for most retired couples in their 60s, I think a 40-foot vessel would meet their needs and not make them […]

Visiting with Friends at Great Guana Cay

Mid-February arrived and we spent a windy week tucked in Hopetown Marina. I spent a lot of the time working on taxes. Unfortunately, this is something that must be done even in paradise. However this past week we visited with friends who own a house on Great Guana Cay.